XA-SDF - XMC Module with Four (4) 24-bit, 2.5 MSPS Sigma-Delta ADCs and Artix-7 FPGA

XA-SDF - XMC Module with Four (4) 24-bit, 2.5 MSPS Sigma-Delta ADCs and Artix-7 FPGA
Main features
  • 4x 24-bit, 2.5 MSPS Sigma-Delta A/D channels
  • Input range ± 5V (Differential)
  • 4.1 kΩ / 2.54kΩ Input Impedance (Differential / Single-Ended)
  • 100 dB typ. Dynamic Range (2.5 MHz Output Data Rate)
  • 100 dB typ. SNR (2.5 MHz Output Data Rate)
  • -103 dB typ. THD (2.5 MHz Output Data Rate)
  • Guaranteed monotonic to 24 bits; 0.00076% typ. INL
  • Lowpass FIR filter with default or programmable coefficients
  • DIO on P16 (18 differential pairs)
    Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA
  • DDR3 Memory
  • PCI Express 2.0 XMC Module (75×150 mm)

The XA-SDF is an XMC IO module featuring four 24-bit, sigma-delta ADCs capable of operating at output data rates of up to 2.5 MSPS. Timing is generated using an on-board PLL (LMK04806).

  • Automatisation et contrôles industriels
  • Systèmes d’acquisition de données multicanaux
  • Équipements scientifiques et industriels
  • Test et mesure