WebDAQ-504 - IEPE data logger, internet-enabled, with 4 simultaneous channels, 24-bit resolution, 51.2 kS/s/ch max sample rate, and 4 digital I/O

WebDAQ-504 - IEPE data logger, internet-enabled, with 4 simultaneous channels, 24-bit resolution, 51.2 kS/s/ch max sample rate, and 4 digital I/O
Main features
  • 4 entrées analogiques simultanées
    • Couplage AC / DC
    • Courant d’excitation IEPE
  • FFT temps réel pour surveillance et analyse en continu
  • 4 DIO isolés pour les triggers et alarmes
  • Mémoire interne 3 Go
  • Interface Ethernet
  • Enregistrement des données sur un stockage interne ou sur un stockage réseau
  • Accès en lecture / écriture configurable
  • Alarmes et notifications par email et SMS
  • Exporter des données vers csv, UFF ou binaire pour d’autres applications
  • Aucun logiciel pilote à installer
  • Le serveur Web intégré permet l’accès depuis n’importe quel appareil avec un navigateur Web
  • Planification des tâches simple et flexible
  • Surveillance et contrôle à distance
  • Prise en charge WiFi
  • Option carte SD
  • Interface USB pour stockage de données
  • Bloc alimentation AC fourni

WebDAQ-504: IEPE data logger, internet-enabled, with 4 simultaneous channels, 24-Bit resolution, 51.2 kS/s/ch max sample rate

The WebDAQ-504 is a stand-alone, acoustic and vibration data logger with IEPE channels designed for remote monitoring and control. The WebDAQ-504 has 4 synchronous channels, IEPE, sampling frequency of 51.2KS/s / channel. All the intelligence is built into the WebDAQ, eliminating the need for a PC or additional software. By using the embedded WebDAQ web server, users can easily configure simple or sophisticated applications, log vibration data, update digital outputs and/or send notifications based on alarm conditions, and view real-time data from any location and any device with a web browser.
The WebDAQ 504 performs high-accuracy measurements from up to four IEPE (Integrated Electronic Piezoelectric) sensors. Housed in a heavy-duty chassis, the WebDAQ 504 is rugged enough for industrial applications such as noise and vibration testing


WebDAQ Web Interface

An embedded web server provides a clean, intuitive interface to access all configuration and data management tasks.
Hardware, trigger and alarm settings are contained in a single task, or “job”. Multiple “jobs” can be run in a “schedule” for more complex data logging applications.
For example, users can create a schedule of jobs in which one job automatically runs after an alarm condition is triggered on a different job, such as when a temperature is reached or when a digital input changes.









Find more details in video and MCC’s website:

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Prix HT : 999999,00 Shipped within 3 to 4 weeks

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