USB-DIO32HS - 32-Bit High-Speed Digital I/O Device

USB-DIO32HS - 32-Bit High-Speed Digital I/O Device
Main features
  • 32 bits of bidirectional TTL digital I/O
  • Pattern detection and generation
  • Input/Output rate up to 8 MS/s
  • 250 µS (typical) response time for single value read/write
  • Independent input and output scan clocks
  • 24 mA source, 10 mA sink output current
  • External trigger and clock inputs
  • Board-Only OEM Version Available with header connectors (no case, CD, or USB cable included)
USB-DIO32HS USB-based 32-bit high-speed digital I/O device

USB-DIO32HS: DAQ-USB MCC with 32 High-speed Digital I / O

USB-DIO32HS from Measurement Computing’s (MCC) is a data acquisition system with 32 high-speed digital I/O (up to 8MS/s) in USB format. The 32 DIO bits are available as two 16-bit ports that are bit-configurable for input or output. Each port is configured independently, so both software polling and hardware scanning operations can be performed at the same time.

The USB-DIO32HS supports pattern generation. Either digital port can output a 16-bit digital pattern. The pattern is updated at a rate up to 8 MS/s, and clocked using the output scan clock. Use both ports to output a 32-bit digital pattern. Data from one port is read and stored in the FIFO buffer until the second port is read. Both ports are output simultaneously on the rising edge of the next pacer clock signal.

The DIO bits can be pulled up to 5 V or down to 0 V through 47 kΩ resistors via onboard jumpers. Finally, the USB-DIO32HS supports sophisticated triggers (digital trigger or trigger on pattern)


  • TracerDAQ® for acquiring and displaying data and generating signals
  • InstaCalTM software utility for installing, configuration, and testing
  • Universal Library includes support for Visual Studio® and Visual Studio®.NET, including examples for Visual C++®, Visual C#®, and Visual Basic®.NET
  • ULx for NI LabVIEWTM Library of VIs and example programs to speed your NI LabVIEW development
  • Universal Library for Android® includes support and examples for the Android 3.1 platform (API level 12) and later
  • Linux® Support for MCC DAQ products
  • Python™ Support for MCC DAQ Products


  • DAQamiTM – data acquisition companion software for acquiring data and generating signals
  • DASYLab®2020 Software lets you interactively develop PC-based data acquisition applications by simply attaching functional icons
  • TracerDAQ®Pro – Out-of-the-box virtual instrument suite with strip chart, oscilloscope, function generator, and rate generator – professional version

Find all MCC ‘s DAQ-USB modules on our website



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