USB-3100 Series - Devices USB with Voltage and Current Output

USB-3100 Series - Devices USB with Voltage and Current Output
Main features
  • 4, 8 ou 16 sorties analogiques
  • Résolution 16-Bit
  • Echantillonnage jusqu’à 100Ke/s
  • Possibilité sortie tension avec courant élevé
  • 8 E/S numériques
  • 1 compteur/Timer
USB-3101 USB-based 4-channel, 16-bit analog voltage output device, 8 DIO, with one counter 373 €
USB-3102 USB-based 4-channel, 16-bit analog voltage/current output device, 8 DIO, with one counter 497 €
USB-3104 USB-based 8-channel, 16-bit analog voltage/current output device, 8 DIO, with one counter 561 €
USB-3106 USB-based 16-channel, 16-bit voltage/current output device, 8 DIO, with one counter 745 €
USB-3112-EU USB-based 8-channel, 16-bit, high-drive (±40 mA max single ch, ±180 mA total) D/A device, 8 DIO, 1 counter - With Europe Plug 561 €
USB-3114-EU USB-based 16-channel, 16-bit, high-drive (±40 mA max single ch, ±180 mA total) D/A device, 8 DIO, 1 counter - With Europe Plug 745 €
USB-3101FS USB-based 4-channel, 100 kS/s simultaneously updating analog output device 626 €

USB-3100 series: DAQ-USB MCC with up to 16 Voltage and Current Output

Measurement Computing’s (MCC) USB-3100 Series is a DAQ-USB with up to 16 voltage/current output channels, with some devices offering high-drive analog outputs. Each device provides four, eight, or 16 voltage outputs. The USB-3102, USB-3104 et USB-3106 also provide four, eight, or 16 current outputs. All devices provide synchronous and concurrent voltage updates. All USB-3100 Series devices except the USB-3101FS provide eight digital I/O lines and one 32-bit event counter.

Analog Output

All USB-3100 Series devices provide either four, eight, or 16 channels of 16-bit analog output.

USB-3101FS: Each channel has a fixed ±10 V voltage output range. Outputs can be updated individually or simultaneously. Each channel has a D/A converter (DAC) that produces a voltage signal. Each channel also has ±30 V overvoltage and indefinite short-circuit protection. The USB-3101FS has 250 Vrms channel-to ground isolation that protects the device and computer from ground spikes and ensures a reliable data stream, making it suitable for high-voltage applications

All Other USB-3100 Series Devices: Each channel is software-selectable for either a bipolar voltage output range of ±10 V or a unipolar range of 0 V to 10 V. Channel outputs can be updated individually or simultaneously.

Current Output (USB-3102/3104/3106 Only)

These devices provide 0 mA to 20 mA of current output. Each DAC controls a voltage/current channel pair simultaneously. Each channel pair can be updated individually or simultaneously.

All USB-3100 Series devices except the USB-3101FS have eight bidirectional DIO lines. All digital pins are floating by default. A screw terminal connection is provided to configure for pull-up (+5 V) or pull-down (0 V).
Each USB-3100 Series device except for the USB-3101FS has a 32-bit event counter for counting TTL pulses. The counter increments when the TTL levels transition from low to high. The counter accepts frequency inputs of up to 1 MHz.


  • TracerDAQ® for acquiring and displaying data and generating signals
  • InstaCalTM software utility for installing, configuration, and testing
  • Universal Library includes support for Visual Studio® and Visual Studio®.NET, including examples for Visual C++®, Visual C#®, and Visual Basic®.NET
  • ULx for NI LabVIEWTM Library of VIs and example programs to speed your NI LabVIEW development
  • Linux® Support for MCC DAQ products
  • Python™ Support for MCC DAQ Products


  • DAQamiTM – data acquisition companion software for acquiring data and generating signals
  • DASYLab®2020 Software lets you interactively develop PC-based data acquisition applications by simply attaching functional icons
  • TracerDAQ®Pro – Out-of-the-box virtual instrument suite with strip chart, oscilloscope, function generator, and rate generator – professional version
  • MATLAB® Support for MCC Products – Software Environment for Data Acquisition, Data Analysis, and Application Development

Find all MCC ‘s DAQ-USB modules on our website

USB-3101FS, USB-3101, USB-3102, USB-3103, USB-3104, USB-3105, USB-3106, USB-3110, USB-3112, USB-3114


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