UEIModbus - I/O chassis Modbus TCP

UEIModbus - I/O chassis Modbus TCP
Main features
  • Industry standard Modbus® TCP interface
  • Flexible. Select the I/O required to match your application
  • Over 20 different I/O boards available
  • Up to 150 analog or 288 digital I/O per UEIModbus Cube
  • Rugged: tested -40 to +85°C, 5g Vibration, 50g shock
  • Compact
  • Extremely cost effective
  • AC, DC or battery powered
  • 10-Year Availability Guarantee!
UEINet-MOD Ultra Compact Gigabit Ethernet I/O Module (1 I/O slot)
UEIModbus-300 Cube (3 I/O slots) 4” x 4.1” x 4.0”
UEIModbus-600 Cube (6 I/O slots) 4” x 4.1” x 5.8”
UEIModbus-300-1G GigE Cube (3 I/O slots) 4” x 4.4” x 4.0”
UEIModbus-600-1G GigE Cube (6 I/O slots) 4” x 4.4” x 5.8”
UEIModbus-600R (6 I/O slots) 5.25” x 6.2” x 10.5”
UEIModbus-1200R (12 I/O slots) 5.25” x 6.2” x 17.5" (3U 19” rack)

The UEIModbus™ cubes are compact, rugged, Ethernet-based data acquisition and control interface that communicates with a host computer or PLC over MODBUS TCP. Their flexibility allows you to configure one or more cubes to match the specific I/O requirements of your application. The UEIModbus is ideally suited for a wide variety of industrial monitoring and control applications.

The MODBUS messaging protocol was developed by Modicon in 1979 and is used to establish master-slave/client-server communication between intelligent devices. It is a defacto standard, truly open and the most widely used network protocol in the industrial manufacturing environment.

Two versions of the UEIModbus are available. The UEIModbus 300 provides slots for 3 I/O boards and is 4″ x 4″ x 4″. For larger applications the UEIModbus provides 6 I/O slots in a slightly larger 4″ x 4″ x 5.8″ cube.

Match the UEIModbus Cube to your system by selecting the I/O boards required to monitor and control your systems signals. With over 20 different I/O boards available, we’re sure to have just what your application requires. We offer: Analog input boards to measure voltage, current, strain gages, thermocouples and more, Analog output boards with outputs to ±40V or ±50 mA, Digital I/O interfaces for logic and “real-world” signal levels, counters/timers, and quadrature encoder inputs.

The UEIModbus cubes offer a wide variety of mounting options. A flange kit is available that allows the cubes to be mounted to a wall or other flat surface. Rack kits and DIN Rail kits are available to allow mounting in 19” racks or on DIN rails, respectively.

Whether your application requires a few I/O channels or a few thousand, the UEIModbus 300 and 600 Cubes are an ideal solution in your MODBUS based application. The Cube’s unique combination of flexibility, compact size, mechanical and electrical ruggedness, and ease of use is unparalleled.
