TITAN S8 - 8 Channel Portable Data Acquisition Logger with 5" Touchscreen

TITAN S8 - 8 Channel Portable Data Acquisition Logger with 5" Touchscreen
Main features
  • DESIGN COMPACT  (168.9 mm x 111.8 mm x 35.8 mm)
  • 8 ENTRÉES : Tension, courant,Thermocouple; RTD, Thermistance, Impulsions
  • ÉCRAN TACTILE 5 ” visualisation temps réel, alerte , indicateur batterie …
  • MEMOIRE 1 GB (100,000,000 mesures)
  • AUTONOMIE BATTERIE; 10 Heures en mode acquisition et  visualisation temps réel.

The Titan S8 portable data acquisition logger combines industrial toughness with scientific accuracy to create a powerful, versatile standalone logger.

In any environment, from the laboratory to the factory floor, the Titan S8 simplifies complex validation tasks with its eight input channels and a full-color, user-friendly touchscreen interface.

No matter the task, the TitanS8 brings valuable, real-time temperature, pulse, current, and voltage data to users’ fingertips without any need for a PC.

The TitanS8 is the ultimate companion for any service, equipment, or compliance engineer. Its handheld portability and shock absorbing boot empower users to bring powerful, instantaneous data acquisition wherever it is needed.

Prix HT : 1166,00 Shipped within 3 to 4 weeks
