RP250GD - Repeater

RP250GD - Repeater
Main features
  • Contains high performance receiver and transmitter compliant to EN 300-220.
  • LCD indicates on-air transmitter identity, status and signal strength.
  • Extends range of transmitters many-fold.
  • Multiple repeaters can be used, enabling difficult sites to be covered easily.
  • Mains powered with built-in rechargeable batteries to provide up to 48 hours standby in the event of a mains failure.
  • Free standing or wall mountable.
  • Antenna socket permits use of external antenna to improve performance in difficult conditions.
  • PC software is used to configure the repeater, download transmitter activity data and specify transmitter authorisation.

The RP250GD receives and rebroadcasts signals from GenII transmitters, significantly extending the distance over which a system can operate. Multiple repeaters can be used in a system.

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