PR140 - High Temperature Pressure Data Logger

PR140 - High Temperature Pressure Data Logger
Main features

• Fonctionne jusqu’à 140 ° C
• Submersible (IP68)
• Batterie remplaçable par l’utilisateur
• Robuste
• Heure de début programmable
• Étiquette gravée
• Conformité CE
• Indicateur de la durée de vie des piles
• Port de pression NPT de 1/8 pouce
• Clés de serrage

PR140 High Temperature, Pressure Data Logger with NPT Port Top
PR140-LVL High Temperature, Pressure Data Logger with Flush Top

The PR140 is a pressure data logger designed for use in autoclave validation and mapping. This rugged device can withstand temperatures up to 140 °C and is completely submersible (IP68).
The PR140 is built with a precision stainless steel pressure gauge. The device has an accuracy of ±0.03 Bar (±0.435 PSI), which can be achieved over a wide temperature range from:                       +20 °C to +140 °C (68 °F to 284 °F). The PR140 can be programmed to take readings as often as once per second (1 Hz), and has non-volatile memory that can store up to 32,700 measurements.
The 1/8 inch NPT pressure port featured on the device allows for compatibility with a variety of fittings and adapters. This is ideal for calibration purposes, as well as connecting the data logger to measure process pressure systems.
The PR140 is easy to use. Simply place it in the IFC400 or IFC406 docking station (sold separately),
connect to a computer, and the device can be started, stopped or downloaded using the MadgeTech
software. Graphical, tabular and summary data is provided for analysis and can be viewed in PSIA,
mmHg, bar, Torr and kPa. The data can also be automatically exported to Excel® for further calculations.


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