PCIE-1816/1816H - 1 MS/s, 16-bit, 16-ch Multifunction PCIE Card

PCIE-1816/1816H - 1 MS/s, 16-bit, 16-ch Multifunction PCIE Card
Main features
  • 16 analog inputs, up to 5 MS/s, 16-bit resolution
  • 2 analog outputs up to 3 MS/s, 16-bit resolution
  • Support Analog and Digital Trigger for AI/O
  • Support Waveform generation for AO
  • 24 programmable digital I/O lines
  • Two 32-bit programmable counter/timers
  • Onboard FIFO memory (4k samples)
  • Support for Microsoft Windows 7/10 and Linux


PCIE-1816/1816H is a 16-ch, up to 5 MS/s multi-function DAQ card and integrates digital I/O, analog I/O, and counter functions. The PCIE-1816/1816H also features analog and digital triggering, 2-ch 16 bit analog outputs with waveform generation capability, 24-ch programmable digital I/O lines, and two 32-bit general-purpose timer/counters.