Expert Vibro - Vibration measurement

Expert Vibro - Vibration measurement
Main features
  • 8 / 16 synchronous analog inputs, 50 kHz sampling rate per channel, IEPE, mV, mA sensors selectable via software
  • Integrated comparators for Keyphasor® sensors
  • 15 GB data logger memory
  • 4 digital inputs for frequency measurement
  • 4 analog outputs for monitoring
  • 8 digital outputs
  • Display for reading data on-site
  • Pluggable screw terminals, DIN rail-mounting

Expert Vibro is the device for acquiring transient signals and vibrations. The latest processor technology, based on powerful FPGAs, enables up to 16 synchronous channels to be processed at high sampling rates while requiring minimal space. 24-Bit A/D converters ensure high precision.

Vibration measurement – Compact, intelligent and fast

With its Expert Vibro device, Delphin have successfully combined the processing of complex functions with high levels of flexibility in a user-friendly system. Vibration measurement systems can now be used where they had previously been economically infeasible. The device is equipped with a high powered, dual core FPGA processor based on ARM technology giving users ample reserves of processing power.

 Users are able to switch between voltage measurement, IEPE or shaft vibration sensors. Integrated comparators and digital inputs allow flexible triggering. Measurement data is monitored “on the fly” with digital outputs being switched within msecs in the event of limit value violations .

 Vibrations deliver information on the condition of bearings, shafts and machinery and generally have a major affect on levels of quality in production processes. They should therefore be continuously acquired, intelligently evaluated and condensed into meaningful data for monitoring. In critical situations, machinery needs to be shut down within milliseconds.

 Expert Vibro combines the requirements and functioning of modern vibration measurement systems into a highly compact device. Other systems usually require multiple equipment. Vibration measurement is made easy with Expert Vibro. System installation and familiarization are short so that users can quickly start processing their data.

 Expert Vibro provides users with  analysis and monitoring functions, intelligent signal processing, an independent data storage capability and versatile fieldbus connections – all in a single device. Right from the outset, users save costs and avoid troublesome interface problems.

 Of special benefit is the modular system for signal processing with a range of preprocessing functions. Filters, such as high, low, or bandpass with rectifiers, integrators, differentiators or decimators can be selected to make up a preprocessing sequence. Multiple preprocessing sequences are able to run in parallel in order to evaluate an input signal. This gives users an especially high level of flexibility.

 Non-periodic signals, such as in fault diagnostics, can be analysed precisely using Expert Vibro. In continuous sampling mode, even the smallest of irregularities are recorded. Expert Vibro measures, monitors and records fully independently. Expert Vibro is equipped with its own internal data storage capability making it especially reliable and secure.

  • Shaft vibration monitoring and analysis
  • Bearing damage diagnostics
  • Combustion chamber vibration monitoring
  • Gear box analysis
  • Housing vibrations
  • Mobile vibration measurement