DT9847 - USB Wide Dynamic Range Signal Analyzers

DT9847 - USB Wide Dynamic Range Signal Analyzers
Main features
  • 24-bit A/D converter per channel
  • Up to 216 kSamples/s per channel
  • Input range of ±10 V and ±1 V software selectable
  • Support for IEPE (Integrated Electronic Piezoelectric) sensors
  • 32-bit D/A per channel with sampling rate up to 216 ksamples/s/ch and output range of ±10 V and ±3 V
  • Two different channel configurations available
  • Simultaneous analog input and analog output operations (continuous or waveform mode)
  • 4 digital input lines, 4 digital output lines
  • Supports a start trigger for acquiring pre-trigger samples and a reference trigger for acquiring post-trigger samples
  • Sync Bus (RJ45) connector for synchronizing acquisition on up to four DT9847 series modules
  • Drivers and software tools and libraries included
  • Supported by free QuickDAQ Base and the QuickDAQ FFT Analysis options
DT9847-2-2 Dual Channel Dynamic Signal Analyzer
DT9847-3-1 3-Channel Dynamic Signal Analyzer

The DT9847 Series high-accuracy, dynamic signal acquisition modules for USB are ideal for precision measurements with microphones, accelerometers, and other transducers that have a large dynamic range. Common applications include audio, acoustic, and vibration testing. Wide signal bandwidth range up to 98 kHz makes it ideal for ultrasonic measurements. The DT9847 features a ultra-low total harmonic distortion (THD) of 98 dB and a wide dynamic range up to 106 dB.
