BI301/BI302 - 5 GHz Electronic Multiplexers

BI301/BI302 - 5 GHz Electronic Multiplexers
Main features
BI301 18 channels 5 GHz Electronic multiplexer
BI302 9 channels 5 GHz Electronic multiplexer

The BI301/BI302 are 9/18-Channel electronic MUXs with comparator inputs. The inputs can be defined to be single-ended or differential, and have programmable threshold levels and termination voltages. The input signals can be square waves or any other waveform. The output edges are based on the threshold crossings of the input signal.
These multiplexers are specifically designed for the highest performance, with very low added jitter. The operating frequency range is DC to 3.5 GHz with full output amplitude of 500 mV, and 5 GHz with reduced amplitude of 200 mV.
The simplified block diagram shows the structure of a 9-channel MUX. The BI301 consists of one 9-channel MUX, while the BI302 has two completely independent 9-channel MUXs. Both models occupy only one PXI slot (legacy or hybrid).
Each channel pair is two single ended channels, or one differential channel. The configuration is set in the factory as ordered. You can order any combination of single ended or differential pairs. Note that a differential pair can still be used with single ended signals if the other input is disconnected. The Vt of the unused side becomes the threshold. The 9th channel (Ch-8) is single ended only and it connects to both 5:1 MUXs. It can be used as a reference channel since any channel can be measured against it.
The outputs from each of the MUXs (A, B, and C) are differential but you can use one side only with other single ended instruments. All input and output connectors are SMP type, compatible with cables ranging from 0.047” to 0.100” diameter.
