ADQ-250 - cPCI/PXI card, 8 isolated analog inputs

ADQ-250 - cPCI/PXI card, 8 isolated analog inputs
Main features
  • 8 isolated differential voltage inputs
  • Isolation voltage: 700V (ch. to ch./ch. To PC)
  • 16 or 18 bit ADC per channel for synchronous sampling up to 2 MS/s (depending on model)
  • Input voltage range: ±10.24 V, opt.: ±102.4 V (“E” versions)
  • Digital I/O port (8 bit) via HDMI connector
  • 2 isolated trigger inputs for the A/D section
  • Monitoring of digital inputs on bit change with interrupt generation
  • Special terminal block for ADQ-250 series (ADQ-TB-COAX-HDMI-HUT) optional
ADQ-255 cPCI/PXI board, 8 differential isolated analog inputs, 250 KS/s, 16-bit
ADQ-256 cPCI/PXI board, 8 differential isolated analog inputs, 2 MS/s, 16-bit
ADQ-258 cPCI/PXI board, 8 differential isolated analog inputs, 1.6 MS/s, 18-bit

8-channel isolated voltage measurement board, high-precision A/D conversion up to 2 MS/s, 8 digital I/O

ALLDAQ’s ADQ-250 series data acquisition boards are ideal for precise voltage measurement in the field of signal analysis. Typical applications are high speed data logging and audio analysis.

Software support
Drivers for Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8/7 / Vista SP2 (32/64 bit)
API with unique programming logic for Windows
Programming support (SDK) with examples for C++, C#, Visual Basic, Delphi/Pascal and Python included
ALLDAQ-Manager – Utility software provides central access to ALLDAQ driver system settings and help files
Virtual Instruments (VIs) for LabVIEW™
MATLAB® interface with examples and help file
