9489 - NTP Time Server with GPS

9489 - NTP Time Server with GPS
Main features
  • High Bandwidth NTP Performance
  • Stratum 1 by GPS or Stratum 2
  • 24 hour holdover via internal TCXO clock
  • Secure web user interface
  • 1PPS precision (BNC) and RS-485 timecode (terminal block)
  • Secure Network Management: Enable or Disable Protocols
  • IPv4 / IPv6 compatibility
  • Alert notifications via SNMP traps and email alerts
  • CLI/SSH access for automation and scripting

Orolia’s Model 9489 can track up to twelve GPS satellites simultaneously, providing highly accurate timing by synchronizing to the satellites’ atomic clocks. A variety of timecodes on both ports are included to meet many system requirements. A 1PPS signal is also available for device synchronization and advanced testing.

Enhanced security features ensure operational integrity and can be enabled or disabled based on your needs. These features include remote login and file transfer capabilities, providing the utmost security using standard interfaces.

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