4895 - Serial to GPIB Controller

4895 - Serial to GPIB Controller
Main features
  • Adds GPIB Controller capability to any PC or PLC with a serial COM port.
  • Works with RS-232 or RS-422/RS-485 signals and baud rates up to 38.4Kbaud.
  • Uses HP Basic style commands to control instruments.
  • Includes IEEE-488.2 FindLstn, AllSerialPoll and Reset Command protocols.
  • Compatible with National Instruments ‘CT’ commands.
  • Reverse G-Mode operates as a GPIB to Serial Interface.
  • Includes interactive M95_kybd Control Utility for controlling instruments from the computer keyboard.

ICS’s Serial to GPIB Controller allows any computer with a serial port to control GPIB devices. Works with RS-232 and 2 or 4-wire RS-422/RS-485 signals. Use to add GPIB Capability to PLCs with serial ports.
