36020 - Four-quadrant DUT Power Supply

36020 - Four-quadrant DUT Power Supply
Main features
  • 4 channels in a PXI Standard 3U form factor
  • +5V/-2V and +10V/-2V force ranges
  • 16-bit voltage force resolution
  • 18-bit current measurement resolution
  • 6 selectable ranges from 5uA to 250mA for current measurement
  • Programmable current clamp function
  • Ganged function available for larger current
  • Board-to-board isolation
  • Windows 2000/XP operating system
  • Support LabView and LabWindows
  • Proprietary software tools for data analysis

The 36020 is a four-quadrant programmable DUT power supply in a single-slot 3U PXI module. Each 36020 features 4 channels with the ability to source voltage and measure current. There are two selectable voltage ranges, +5V/-2V and +10V/-2V, with 16-bit resolution for programming the voltage output. In order to provide better a c cur a c y, 36020 prov ide s s i x s e l e c t abl e current ranges including ±5μA, ±25μA, ± 250μA, ±2.5mA, ±25mA and ±250mA with 18-bit resolution for the current measurement functionality. Moreover, the board-to-board isolation design makes it possible to source the larger voltage than 10V by the series connection with multiple 36020 modules. The versatile supply rails and high accuracy make 36020 an excellent general-purpose, four-quadrant power supply for design validation and manufacturing test application. Especially, the extraordinary accuracy in the small current measurement makes the 36020 very suitable for semiconductor IC test.

Power Supply with Precision Source and Measurement Capability
The 36020 uses a combination of switching and linear regulation to provide the excellent voltage source and accuracy. It has the ability to source voltage from each of its four outputs. It can be programmed in 113μV steps on the +5V/-2V range and 189μV steps on the +10V/-2V channels. As a current measure unit, it can measure in minimum 47.6pA resolution on each channel in the ±5μA current range. You can use this impressive level of current resolution in many power supply applications.

Proprietary Software, CRISP
In addi t ion to suppor t the LabView and LabWindows environment, Chroma® provides the front panel tool of the 36020 for users to quickly troubleshoot or debug. Users can moni tor or refer the set t ing of the 36020 through this front panel tool. Besides, Chroma ® also provides the proprietary software option, CRISP, for the 36020 to meet the demands of users for various purposes. Based on Microsoft Windows XP® operat ion sys tem and C++ programming language, CRISP provides the powerful, easy-to-use, intuitive, and fast-runtime GUI tools for users. For the test debugging and data analyzing purposes, CRISP provides users the abundant software modules for the 36020, including Datalog, SHMOO, Summary, Histogram, STDF and Test Condition Monitor.

  • Logic and mixed signal validation and test
  • Consumer IC and electronics test
  • DUT Power Supply

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