36010 - Programmable Pin Electronics Module

36010 - Programmable Pin Electronics Module
Main features
  • Standard PXI 3U form factor
  • 100MHz maximum data rate
  • 8 channels with per-pin, per-cycle bidirectional control
  • Scalable architecture to provide up to 64-pin
  • 32M sequence command memory
  • More than 17 pattern sequence commands
  • Per-pin architecture
  • 32M vector memory per pin
  • 32 sets of clock and waveform per pin
  • Waveforms changes on-the-fly
  • Programmable tri-level driver in 610uV resolution
  • One high voltage driver per board
  • Per-channel PMU
  • Per-channel timing measurement unit
  • Support scan pattern function
  • Windows 2000/XP operating system
  • Support LabView and LabWindows
  • Proprietary software tools option
36010 Programmable Pin Electronic Card
A360100 Sequence Pattern Generator
A360101 Load Board Test Fixture
A360102 250W/48V DC Power Supply

The 36010 is a 100MHz programmable pin electronic module designed for characterizing, validating and testing digital and mixed signal IC or electronics. Each module consists of a Sequence Pattern Generator and Logic Pin Electronics Card containing 8 channels. The 36010 module is expandable to provide up to 64 channels hardware resource for various purposes. Besides, based on the per-pin architecture, each channel is equipped with 32M vector memory, 32 sets of clocks, 32 sets of waveforms and one PMU channel. It provides fast and accurate testing, with same performance and features as other stand ATE equipment.

Sequence Pattern Generator
The Sequence Pattern Generator of the 36010 module provides more than 17 sequence commands including “jump”, “match”, “ loop”, “repeat”, ⋯ etc, to control the flow of pattern execution. It equips with 32M sequence command memory, which allows each vector to has its own sequence command to control the flow of pattern execution flexibly. Besides, each Sequence Pattern Generator can support up to 8 Logic Pin Electronics Cards, which means it can support up to 64 I/O channels and performs testing on 8 DUT simultaneously.

Logic Pin Electronics Card
In each Logic Pin Electronics Card, it adopts Chroma® PINF ICs on it to achieve high timing accuracy and flexible waveform output functions. The per-pin timing generator provides 32 sets of clock containing 6 programmable edges. As for the per-pin waveform generator, it provides each digital I/O channel 32 sets of programmable waveform with the change-one-the-fly feature. In the analog function, the Logic Pin Electronics card has the tri-level driver and comparator with 610uV programmable resolution. It also equips with active load, per-pin PMU and high voltage driver functions. Moreover, the 36010 supports scan pattern function for scan test.

Proprietary Software, CRISP
In addi t ion to suppor t the L abVi ew and LabWindows environments, Chroma® also provides the proprietary software option, CRISP. To cover the various requirements for the IC debugging, CRISP contains lots of software modules. Running on the Microsoft Windows XP® operation system and using C++ as the test program language, CRISP provides users the flexible, easy-to-use and fast-runtime GUI software to meet the various demands. The project IDE tool makes it easy to create the test program quickly. In the test program debugging stage, CRISP provides the suite of debugging software tools for user, which includes Plan Debugger, Datalog, Waveform, Scope, SHMOO, Pin Margin, Wafer Map, Summary, Histogram, STDF, Test Condition Monitor, Pattern Editor, and so on.

  • Logic and mixed signal validation and test
  • Digital pattern generator and vector capture
  • Consumer IC and electronics test
  • Logic test subsystem for DC and RF ATE

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